Kangaslaarien kaivelussa on jotain terapeuttista ja aarteenetsintään liittyvää. Ehkä jotain löyty, ehkä. Tosin onko ne aarteita vai kaapintäytettä, sen aika näyttää.
There is something therapistic to dive in and dig the big piles of fabrics in the store. Almost treasure hunting feelings. I found something, but are they treasures or overloading my stash, we'll see.
Ihanaa vai kamalaa?
Lovely or dreadful?
Ihanaa vai kamalaa?
Lovely or dreadful?
Ihanaa vai kamalaa?
Lovely or dreadful?
7 kommenttia:
I say lovely to them all! I wish (but am very glad!) that I could go to that fabric store!
Selam,elbiseler çok güzel.Sevgiler
It's a matter of perspective. I love them all. I love the dress on the left as well, it needs a party to go to!
Ihanaa, ihanaa, ihanaa!
Kamalan ihanaa ;)
ihanaa, kamalaa ja.. ihanaa?
i really like the dress to the right - it's the perfect summer party dress:)
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