Vihervaara on myös saanu erilaisia kuviointiversioita. Hauduttelen vielä vähän ja piirtelen lisää. Jos sais sen Just Oikean mallin aikaan.
Phildarilta on taas tullut uusi kuvasto, ei onneks ollu mitään "pakko saada". Joulukuussa näköjäänsä ilmestyy Punokset Puikoille (pdf), joutuu ehkä ostaa :)
I have flu, damn. And feel just like not really awake. I knitted yesterday Pavonis scarf, but it was toooooo complicated for me in flu :). The pattern is ok, but my concentration skills were not. So, frog. And new, easier (4 pattern rounds :) ) on the needles. This scarf is Minttumaari from Ulla and I have thought to knit little different edge for it. Maybe..
I have drawn Greengable's body and there is many variations for it. I'm waiting and just let ideas ripen. Maybe later today or tomorrow started to knit it. I really love the sleeves. They are so cool :)
Phildar has published a new catalogue, but not for me in this one. Good :) In december will be published new Finnish knitting book "Punokset Puikoille (pdf)" It has written by two Finnish knitbloggers and I really wait to see it (and buy).
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